GZNU vice president Zeng Li attended and addressed an online meeting with Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia(UNJ), who just participated in one of GZNU’s Forums over the China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week and will co-host an International Conference with us in the end of this month.
The meeting scheduled on the afternoon of October 20, had UNJ attendees including Dr. Totok Bintoro, the Vice Rector, Vice Rector‘s assistants--- Dr. Mutia Delina and Dr. Yuyus Kardiman, staff from Office of Vice Rector, Dean and Deputy Dean of the faculty of Sport Sciences and the Head of the Mandarin Department. Heads of Office of International Exchange and Cooperation and School of Physical Education from GZNU also attended to discuss cooperation details.
Dr. Totok extended good wishes to deeper cooperation with GZNU after his greetings to all participants and a brief introduction to UNJ.
Dr. Zeng Li reviewed the fruitful results yielded in the past cooperation with UNJ and thanked Dr. Totok and his crew for their strong support and continuous efforts on joint events. A university introduction was made by Zeng before the free discussion.
Based on what the two universities have cooperated this year, both Deans of School of Physical Education reached a preliminary accord on academic research, faculty and students mobility and disciplines development and vowed to put these programs into practice soon.