Representative of Macau Polytechnic University visited GZNU
2022.03.25 14:57 Hits:

On March 24, Dr. Hu Kun, representative of Macau Polytechnic University and Dr. Peng Jinghui, associate professor of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, visited Guizhou Normal University and discussed with vice-president Zeng Li on jointly application for the National Natural Science Foundation’s International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Programs. Gong Wei, director of Office of Science and Technology(OST), Pei Jun, director of Office of International Exchange and Cooperation(OIEC), Zhou Zhongfa, dean of School of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Qian Yifei, deputy director of OIEC, Zhang Lijun, section chief of Project Section of OST, and experts from School of Karst Science participated in the discussion.
During the meeting, Zeng Li warmly welcomed representative’s coming and sincerely thanked their assistance to GZNU. She pointed out that GZNU will fully support the application and wished to smooth communication mechanism and clarify the division of assignment between two parties in order to promote the application work steadily. Afterwards, the two sides discussed the application in detail.