On the morning of November 19, accompanied by the staff of the Foreign Affairs Office of Guizhou Province, the Consul General Conny Camenzind and Gong Yingxue, officer of economic affairs in the Consulate General of Switzerland in Chengdu visited Guizhou Normal University (GZNU).

Vice president Zeng Li hold a meeting with the Consul General in a cordial atmosphere. Hosted by Pei Jun, director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, the meeting gathered deputy director Guo Rui and researchers Zuo Zhenting and Ma Jing of the Swiss Research Center to share their opinions.

At the meeting, Zeng and Guo introduced GZNU and the Swiss Research Center respectively. Camenzind shared her 2-day visit in the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Guizhou Council and expressed her wishes to promote more academic achievements and a sound exchange with the Chinese universities during her tenure.
After the meeting, Camenzind and Gong visited the Swiss Research Center.