On May 27, 2022, a virtual meeting to make progress in higher education cooperation between German and Guizhou Province was held by Foreign Affairs Office of Guizhou Province. Dr. Qian Yifei, deputy dean of GZNU Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, attended the meeting and delivered a speech introducing GZNU and proposing desired joint programs.
Ms. Luo Yu, deputy director of Foreign Affairs Office of Guizhou Province and Ms. Wang Rui, director of Provincial Department of Education addressed at the opening. Both expressed gratitude to all attendees and strongly encouraged the five universities at the provincial level to further their educational cooperation with German partners.
Mr. Sebastian Dern, deputy Consul-General of Consulate General of Germany in Chengdu, presented a overview of the Sino-German academic communication during the past years and extended good wishes to the future of cooperation in education between both sides.
Ms. Ruth Schimanowski, the chief of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (“DAAD“, German Academic Exchange Center), introduced the purpose and work of DAAD and its difficulties in encouraging German universities and institutions to engage in this sort of cooperation as the huge gap in universities numbers between China and German.
Representatives from Guizhou University, Guizhou Normal University, Guizhou Minzu University, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guizhou Medical University and Guizhou University of Chinese Medicine made brief introductions to themselves and their intended cooperation with German universities.
“We are glad to see the meeting strengthening the understanding and communicating between both sides and we will be pleasant to provide more opportunities for all participants to carry out following cooperative programs.” Luo concluded.
An online presentation on “Study and Research in German” given by DAAD, was held on the same day for students in GZNU and other Guizhou universities to encourage overseas study in German.