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On Sept.16th, Ms. Magdalene Teo, Brunei Ambassador to China, Ms. Wong Tzyy Jiun, secretary of Brunei Embassy, Mr. Ma Mingqiang, Secretary-general of China-ASEAN Center, Ms. Lada Phumas, dean of public department of China-ASEAN Center, and famous artist Ms. Rita Zhao visit our university and attend the 4th“My ASEAN & China” Multimedia Art Exhibition Series of Activities.

President Wu Pengcheng warmly welcomes the coming of Brunei Ambassador to China and other guests. He introduces the history and present situation of Guizhou Normal University. He points that cultural communication plays an important role on cooperation between China and Brunei and sincerely wishes that through this series exhibition, people from GZNU will further realize Brunei culture and improve friendship and cooperation between our two countries.

Ms. Magdalene Teo expresses sincerely gratitude towards the warm reception of GZNU. She wishes that Guizhou Normal University will establish long-term cooperation relationship with universities of Brunei, further spread cooperation fields and strengthen cultural cooperation.

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